The Dark Knight featuring Christian Bale (Batman) and Heath Ledger (Joker) is a Warner Bros. production movie, directed by Christopher Nolan. This was one of the most anticipated movies of 2008. In May 2007, 42 Entertainment began a viral marketing campaign using Joker’s taglines “Why So Serious?” This was the start of an extensive and very interactive viral marketing campaign I have seen till date. There was soon a website set up that would have interactive puzzle and trailers.
During the 2007 San Diego Comic-Con International, 42 Entertainment launched, sending fans on a scavenger hunt to unlock a teaser trailer and a new photo of the Joker. On October 31, 2007, the film's website morphed into another scavenger hunt with hidden messages, instructing fans to uncover clues at certain locations in major cities throughout the United States, and to take photographs of their discoveries. The clues combined to reveal a new photograph of the Joker and an audio clip of him from the film saying "And tonight, you're gonna break your one rule." Completing the scavenger hunt also led to another website called Rory's Death Kiss (referencing the false working title of Rory's First Kiss), where fans could submit photographs of themselves costumed as the Joker. Those who sent photos were mailed a copy of a fictional newspaper called The Gotham Times, whose electronic version led to the discovery of numerous other websites.
The video below is a small documentary on The Dark Knight marketing campaign and you can see how effective it was. This marketing campaign was successful according to me as it really asked the audiences involvement. Another great thing about such viral campaign is that it even gets the people who are not familiar with Batman or the movie to be interested in it. The Dark Knight viral marketing campaign was certainly a great idea by 42 Entertainment
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